Strong success
Strong futures

Celebrating 2022
graduate achievements

As the premier grammar school in the Illawarra region, we aim to provide every student the strongest start in life, equipping them to take on the challenges of the ever-changing world as they venture forth into life after TIGS. We support our students throughout every step of their schooling journey to develop the work ethic, high standards, openness to experience and empathy towards others required to be the strong leaders the world requires.

We celebrate every success at TIGS, academically and beyond. We believe that a holistic education that balances a rigorous academic curriculum with a robust range of co-curricular offerings is key to giving students the depth and breadth of education to properly prepare them for life.

Our 2022 graduates are an exceptional group of students who are ready to take on the world, and this is reflected in their outstanding results in their Higher School Certificate. We hope that their academic achievements will inspire the next generation of strong students.

Mrs Judi Nealy

HSC highlights

Highest ATAR

Students made the NSW Distinguished Achievers list

Students achieved at least one Band 5 or 6 result

10 students with ATAR 90-99
(15% of total students)

15 students with ATAR 80-89
(23% of total students)

of students received an ATAR above 80

of courses delivered by TIGS achieved Band 5 and 6 results above the state average

Pass rate

Participation rate

Median HSC score

of students offered early entry into university

Students earned their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award

% of Students in Band 6 or 5

Click image above to enlarge

High achievers

Dux of the School

Elizabeth Michelmore

ATAR: 98.55

Elizabeth is determined to pursue a career as a surgeon. She has been working steadily towards this goal, having achieved Dux in every Year from Year 8 to Year 12 and being awarded the Biology Prize, The D.B. Thompson Prize for Chemistry, English Advanced Prize, The Jefferson Family Perpetual Memorial Award for Mathematics Extension 1 and the Coombs Arber Award for Performing Arts. With early entry offers to study Health Science at UOW and ANU Elizabeth is moving quickly toward her dream career but before she begins university, Elizabeth will be following in her parents footsteps and travelling throughout Europe.

Elizabeth has been involved in the School Production and performed on violin and guitar at many School events. She credits the Arts as key in becoming more expressive and developing her sense of self.

Her advice to the next generation is to be involved in as many co-curricular activities as possible, especially in their first years of Senior School.

Success stories

Celebrating our students who achieved strong results in 2022, academically and beyond.

Harrison Ledger

ATAR: 97.10

Harrison has always demonstrated an exemplary commitment to community service and a deep empathy for those around him. As School Captain he has shown outstanding leadership skills and balanced the demands of his position with academic study. Harrison was awarded the Peter and Elizabeth Smart School Captain’s Award, Overall HSC Academic Achievement Award, the Andrew and Sandra Newhouse Prize for Business Studies, the History Extension Prize, the Legal Studies Prize and TIGS Foundation Award for Service. He believes his future lies in public service and is committed to helping others and make a real impact on the world. Harrison's advice to younger students is to "put yourself out there" and engage with as many opportunities as possible.

Isabella Atkinson

ATAR: 96.95

Isabella's biggest goal in life is to work with eyes. After completing a Biology research paper on macular degeneration she discovered the fascinating and fast moving world of Ophthalmology, deciding then and there that vision and sight was her calling. For Isabella, it was the sustained encouragement and support of her teachers that she believes helped the most towards achieving her goals. She is especially grateful for her English Extension 2 teacher for editing and helping refine her major work when she realised she was well over the word limit.

Isabella received the Overall HSC Academic Achievement Award, the English Extension 2 Prize, and with two early entry offers to the University of Wollongong is a step closer to her dream career.

Sophie Gilligan

ATAR: 96.65

Sophie is an exceptional scholar who has achieved strong results academically while applying herself to an extensive range of co-curricular activities like da Vinci Decathlon, Future Problem Solving, Honours Programme, ISEF Science and Engineering Challenge and the successful completion of her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Hike. Through her studies in Biology, Sophie uncovered a passion for genetics, specifically the emerging CRISPR technology which she hopes to work with in the future to "help bring in the new age of technology and genetic engineering". With three early entry offers to University, Sophie will start working toward this goal next year and is excited for what life as a university student has to offer.

Lachlan Boardman

ATAR: 95.50

Lachlan has always been drawn to Business, Economics and Mathematics, particularly the way these areas can be used to help others. Lachlan is planning to study Economics and Law with a view to specialise in Corporate Law where he thinks he will be most effective in making a change in the world.

He received the Overall Academic Achievement Award, the Business Studies and Economics All-Rounder Award, Mathematics Advanced Prize and the Grammarians Prize for Excellence. Lachlan attributed his academic results to the motivation from his teachers and the soft skills learned through co-curricular activities. The most important lesson of all though was from his community service, that even when you’re busy it’s important to always make time for others.

Nicholas Chiaverini

ATAR: 94.65

Nicholas developed a strong interest in Chemistry in recent years, fascinated by the way basic chemicals and compounds form the foundation of the modern world. This fascination has guided him to a future in medical science, where he plans to explore the future of medical pharmacology with early entry into Pre-Medicine next year. Known for his selflessness and humility, Nicholas was awarded the Hoskins Prize for Loyalty to the School Community. These attributes are reflected in his life goal: to have the time and independence to contribute meaningfully to the community.

The key lesson Nicholas has learned at TIGS is that ‘everything is possible with effort’. He believes that the range of academic and co-curricular activities available at TIGS helped him to develop into the person he is today.

Katelyn Spicknall

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

As School Captain Katelyn demonstrated exceptional leadership skills while achieving outstanding academic results. She was awarded the ADF Long Tan Leadership Award, Rees Jones Memorial Prize for Community Citizenship, and Overall HSC Academic Achievement Award. Her hard work has been in pursuit of her long term goal – to enter the world of finance and to make her mark on the world through ethical investing. She strongly believes you don't need to sacrifice ethics for profit. After being drawn to the dynamic nature of Economics and its real world applications, Katelyn is considering an offer for a cadetship at the investment bank UBS. After school, Katelyn plans to travel and work her way through National Geographic's 100 places that will change your life list. She credits both TIGS culture and her experiences in the Gold Duke of Edinburgh for instilling the courage to push beyond her comfort zone in uncertain situations and developing her interest in travel.

Ryan Jinks

ATAR: 92.35

Inheriting his fathers love of physics and engineering, Ryan is heading down the same STEM pathway, with a keen interest in electrical engineering. With three early entry offers Ryan is deciding which degree best fits his aspirations. He received the Don Lewis Prize for Economics, the Peter and Faye Kell Prize for Application to Studies and the Principal’s Award for his academic work, but what Ryan values the most from his time at TIGS is the connections he fostered with his peers and the strong sense of community. He believes that the accepting and welcoming culture of the School helped give him the confidence needed to excel academically.

Casey Lockrey

ATAR: 92.20

After he completed his final exams Casey’s Science Extension major work was selected to be published in the Australian Physics Journal, an exceptional accomplishment for a Year 12 student. Casey joined TIGS in Year 11 and quickly established himself as one a high achiever. He has enthusiastically involved himself in School life and has achieved strong academic results across all subjects. He was awarded the Science Extension Prize and the ADF Future Innovators Award, reflecting his passion for the sciences, while also involving himself in community service and completing the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Casey plans to study computer science but also has a strong interest in how the law is evolving and applied in the technology sector. He has received early entry offers and is assessing which university to attend next year. He credits part of his success to his teachers who "are dedicated and willing to take the time to go through things you don’t understand".

William Carroll

ATAR: 91.15

A keen sportsman and rugby league player William also has a strong interest in business and the environment. He aspires to making the world a better place through environmental sustainability and has received an early entry offer to study a Bachelor of Economics and Finance.

In Year 10 William considered leaving School but was encouraged by mentors and his teachers to persevere with his HSC. His concentrated effort produced excellent academic outcomes and he will now confidently be heading into university.

Amogh Rao

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

Amogh already has his eyes on retirement with a clear vision for his distant future, and is currently planning the work he needs to undertake to get him there. Amogh received the Principal’s Award for his consistent academic work and believes that the variety of offerings available at TIGS allowed him to explore his interests and refine exactly what his passions are. Amogh believes that learning is an essential and lifelong skill, one he intends to continue developing by studying medicine at university. With an aim to specialise in surgery, Amogh likes the hands-on nature of the surgical field and the challenge presented by this high stakes profession.

The most valuable lesson he has learned through his time at TIGS was how a framework of values can help you make better choices.

Angus Townsend

ATAR: 90.65

An excellent musician, Angus has been able to balance his musical interests and academic studies achieving strong results across all subjects. Angus received the Overall HSC Academic Achievement Award, the Barbara Broadley Mathematics Extension 2 Prize and the Tim and Olga Early Prize for Music.

Passionate about helping others and with a love of strategy and planning, he is working towards a career in Law. At TIGS Angus found his passion for all things legal was able to flourish because his teachers and peers encouraged him whenever he wanted to talk about the latest case in the media. With three early entry offers for different degrees Angus is deciding on his next steps.

Eloise Goodman

ATAR: 89.55

Eloise is inspired by language. Her English Extension 1 work introduced her to linguistics and she now hopes to pursue a career in the field, exploring how language functions. Eloise was appointed the English Prefect in Year 12 and undertook her role with enthusiasm. She also completed English Extension 2 and for her major work looked into perceptions of communication and how meaning is transferred from person to person.

Eloise also loves theatre and immensely valued her time participating in the annual School Production. She enjoyed the opportunity to branch out from academics and step away from studying. She is excited to explore new opportunities beyond School and stand on her own. With four early entry offers Eloise will soon be on to her next adventure.

Marlene Anderson

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

Marlene is excited to travel and work overseas after she graduates. With a view to spending some time in Germany she is exploring her options on how to best expand her artistic talent. During her time at TIGS Marlene won the English Standard Prize, Visual Arts Prize and the Konica Award for Contribution to the Visual Arts. Her Visual Arts major work was presented in ‘The Works’ exhibition and was highly commended by her teachers.

Marlene is drawn to the world of creative advertising and would like to design campaigns in the sustainability or fashion sectors. The most valuable lesson from her time at TIGS was learning to be adaptable, to be prepared for change and the unknown.

Stella Field

ATAR: 88.95

Stella completed her final four years of high school at TIGS and has shown herself to be an outstanding representative for the school and an exceptionally focussed and hard working student. Throughout her schooling Stella has displayed a passion for helping others and her future study options will open up career opportunities in this area. Stella received 5 early entry offers and additional opportunities were forthcoming following her exceptional results. She is now intending to pursue Law and Medical and Health Science as a study pathway that maximises her strengths and her strong sense of service.

Jessica Quilter-Jones

ATAR: 85.95

Jessica is an exceptional athlete and is most looking forward to having more time to run after her exams. Jessica received the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Prize, the Hughes Sportsperson of the Year Trophy and fittingly, the Ampol Best All-Rounder Award.

While it's no surprise that PDHPE was her favourite class, Jessica is drawn most to the health aspects of the subject. Her initial plan is to study either nursing or exercise science at university, with a long term goal to study postgraduate medicine. With an early entry offer into a Bachelor of Pre Medicine, Science and Health, Jessica is well placed to decide on her next path.

Eva Katkjaer

ATAR: 85.50

Eva was an Outdoor Education Prefect and represented the School in Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country, Touch Football, Volleyball and Rugby at NASSA; Athletics, Swimming, and Cross Country at AICES; Swimming for CIS and NSW All Schools in Rugby. Eva deservedly received a Colour Award in recognition of her sportsmanship and achievements.

While sport has always been part of her life Eva believes she will make her impact on the world through building a business, and will start studying a Bachelor of Business next year while she refines her goal.

For Eva, the most important part of TIGS was the people, she believes that the friendships and networks she has formed will last a lifetime. Two of her biggest achievements were in Mathematics and completing the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Nadia Nagaratnam

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

After winning the Principal’s Award and Application to Studies Award, Nadia is excited to be heading to university where she plans to study law. While she hasn't decided on a particular speciality, Legal Studies was one of her favourite subjects and she is interested in diving deeper into study while she evaluates the possibilities. Nadia found receiving an early entry offer to university helped her HSC preparation by easing some of the pressure of examinations. Her advice to new students is to balance your workloads, make sure you take time for yourself and your own wellbeing.

Sebastien Azar

ATAR: 85.05

Sebastien is a multi talented high achiever, recipient of the Head of Senior School Award, and the Investigating Science Award. Sebastien also excelled in his favourite subject, Mathematics. He achieved strong results in Science and for his Industrial Technology major work. He is also proud of his achievements in English, where he saw significant improvement in his work across the year.

Sebastien’s goal is to run his own construction company, and will be moving towards it next year with an early entry offer to study business at university. Sebastien appreciated the structure offered at TIGS and the strong sense of community at the School.

Ree Reh

ATAR: 83.50

Ree’s passion for Ancient History saw him take home the Ancient History Prize and the Head of Senior School Award, however his focus for University lies in exercise science. With an early entry offer to study at UOW he is looking to start his own business in rehabilitation in the future. Ree also greatly enjoyed his PDHPE and Biology classes. His advice for new students is to take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Alexia Loeser

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

Alexia is looking for a career where she can help people and thinks that dentistry might be the pathway for her. With three early entry offers she is deciding on which university best suits her and is looking forward to the independence and adventure of university life. Alexia is proud of the hard work put in for her HSC and was awarded the Society and Culture Prize. The most valuable lesson she learned in her time at TIGS was the importance of how you treat others and how you treat yourself. Alexia thinks the community service and co-curricular activities at School were important in expanding her learning and especially important in developing interpersonal skills. Her advice to new students is to take up every opportunity "you won’t regret it".

Hasnain Aly

ATAR: Not available at time of publication

Hasnain’s biggest goal is to enjoy his life, but he also has a deep desire to help others. His plan is to study Psychology, a field he believes is only increasing in importance but also lacking in availability. Hasnain hopes to offer people a more flexible pathway to receiving psychological services.

For his Science Extension major work Hasnain was mentored by academics from the University of Wollongong. His proposal was assessed and approved by the UOW Ethics Committee and was deemed of such high standard that the project will continue after the completion of his HSC. At TIGS Hasnain says "you can really tell the teachers care, and a lot of people underestimate the importance of that". His advice to new students is to keep your work in perspective, and not let challenges or setbacks become overwhelming, just try your best.

Strength beyond the classroom

Daniel Grieve

Encore Showcase

An accomplished guitarist, Daniel's dedication saw him receive the School's Music 1 Award and through his work as a Chapel Prefect, was awarded the Archbishop Goodhew Prize for Christian Leadership. His talent for music also saw him nominated for Encore the HSC music showcase. Daniel was a regular performer at School events and participated in many of our House competitions. While he has a passion for performing and received an early entry offer to study music, Daniel also has a strong interest in outdoor education and next year has accepted a traineeship to work with the Boomerang Outdoor Education group. Daniel’s advice to new students is to "embrace change, it’s only the beginning".

Kiarna McIlwraith

Shape Exhibition

Kiarna is determined to become a speech pathologist. After seeing the transformative nature of the work up close she has developed a clear path towards this goal. Her vision is to own her own business and ensure that the full range of speech pathology services are available to all in need. Kiarna received an early entry offer to her university and course of choice, however she is also waiting on selection into the Australian national Sprint Kayaking team before she commits to her studies next year. Kiarna was first in both her Design and Technology and Industrial Technology classes and has already received interest in taking her Design major work into commercial production. Kiarna designed a submersible learn to swim pool island and received a nomination for the HSC Design and Technology showcase Shape. She also received the Design and Technology Prize, Industrial Technology Prize, Fernandez Family Prize for Community Leadership and the Principal's Award.

Payton Leitch

HSC Showcase Callback

Payton is a talented gymnast and a strong leader, known for supporting and mentoring younger students within School sporting teams, in the School Production, in Peer Support and in her role as House Vice-Captain. Having achieved a Band 5 in Dance, the quality of her work also earned her a nomination to the HSC Showcase Callback. While Payton has not made a final decision on her pathway for the future, she received 11 early entry offers for a variety of courses. Payton is leaning towards PDHPE teaching but is also interested in Chiropractic Science.

Strong futures

of students offered early entry into university

Students earned their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award

Jessica Smith

Achievement: Course achievement/ VET qualification/ scholarship

Ambitions: Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras.

Jessica Smith

Achievement: Course achievement/ VET qualification/ scholarship

Ambitions: Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras.

Jessica Smith

Achievement: Course achievement/ VET qualification/ scholarship

Ambitions: Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat nisl pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit ullamcorper dignissim cras.

Phone: +61 2 4220 0216


Address: Western Ave, Wollongong NSW 2500