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Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Need more information before you start your first day at TIGS? Submit an enquiry below and a member of our Enrolments Team will get back to you at their earliest convenience.
Communication The School uses two online platforms to manage communication and provide access to information ‑ OLLE and Consent2Go. From submitting consent to attend excursions, to recording school attendance, or finding information on upcoming events, we have covered all bases to ensure there is a regular stream of communication between the school and our students and […]
Canteen Students at TlGS can order their lunch from the Canteen or purchase it over the counter. TIGS uses for an online lunch ordering service.
Welcome We are delighted that you will be joining TIGS. This resource will provide all the necessary information to ensure a smooth transition into TIGS Prep. Should you require any additional information, please contact our Enrolments team on +61 2 4220 0216 or email